Repair Declaration Form

A&D Declaration form for all Service & Repairs

IMPORTANT REMINDER: This Service Declaration Form needs to be completed and returned to us, along with all repairs.

A safe work environment is important. To ensure we are able to provide a healthy and safe workplace to our staff and visitors, we require the below form to be completed and any/all foreign materials to be listed in the decontamination part of this declaration form.

This new procedure will enable us to access and service repairs in a timely manner, especially if there is an intermittent fault, and return the item back to you promptly.

You can download this form by clicking on the image below.

Repair Request Declaration Form

Head Office Service Department
Delivery Address: 77 Light Terrace, Thebarton SA 5031
T: (08) 8301 8120
F: (08) 8352 7409
E: [email protected]

    Please fill in the form below.

    Please advise if you would like to speak to a specific authorised A&D Australasia Dealer.

    * Required field